| 1. | That kind of obsession is not different from a material desire 那种困扰和对物欲的追求没有什么不同 |
| 2. | The film really shows the extent to will go to try to fulfill their material desires 这部影片将世人为了满足物质欲,表达得淋漓尽致! |
| 3. | The film really shows the extent to which human beings will go to try to fulfill their material desires 这部影片将世人为了满足物质欲望所表现的热中程度,表达得淋漓尽致! |
| 4. | That person attains peace who giving up all material desires for sense gratification lives free from attachment , free false ego and sense of proprietorship 放弃了对感官享受的全部物欲,没有了牵附和依恋,丢掉了假我和占有欲,那个人就获得了真正的心灵清净。 |
| 5. | In this yoga o arjuna , spiritual intelligence is firmly resolved and exclusive ; but the intellect of those full of material desires indeed has unlimited diverse branches 在这个瑜珈里,阿诸那啊,灵性智能是坚固稳定的,决断的,唯一而排他的;但是那些充满了物欲的人,其知识水平却参差不齐,四分五裂。 |
| 6. | Detached by spiritual intelligence from everything , controlling the mind , without material desires , one attains the paramount perfection in the cessation of reactions by renunciation 用灵性智能使人脱离所有事物的束缚,控制心念,没有了物质欲望,人就终止了因果报应,得到了解脱,从而获得了最终的圆满。 |
| 7. | When the specifically disciplined mind resides solely in the self ; then devoid of attachment to all types of material desire for sense gratification is declared properly situated spiritually 当受过特殊训练(自律)的心意独自安居于自我;不再依附于感官享受的各种物质欲望,就称他是完全地处于灵修的境界。 |
| 8. | In the long run , if the humane spirit without the appropriate one is guided in the economic field , production and consumption will inevitably struggle endlessly in the marsh of the material desire , the end , unable to free one until destroying oneself 从长远来看,在经济领域若无恰当的的人文精神加以引导,生产和消费必然会在物欲的沼泽里挣扎不休,最后,无法自拔直至毁灭自身。 |
| 9. | China is now in the period of reform and opening up , the impact of western ideas and material desires of the community are inflated in an emptiness and mi chaos on the surface thriving , students and parents with no footing , and the teachers at this time has not straighten straight 中国现在在改革开放时期,西方思潮的冲击及物质欲望的膨胀使社会正呈现出一种空虚而糜乱的表面繁荣的景象,学生及家长没有站住脚跟,而老师们在这个时候也没有挺直腰板。 |